Celeste Wagner
Celeste Wagner
Shows like ‘Succession’ tap into our deepest desires for escapism
Abby Weingarten
Jun 4, 2023
Link to UF News
In support for the Supreme Court, partisanship trumps concern around gender equality
Jin Woo Kim
María Celeste Wagner
Oct 24, 2022
Why does the way gender-based violence is covered in the media matter? [in Spanish]
María Celeste Wagner
Mar 13, 2021
Link to Abro Hilo
How much do we believe fake news on WhatsApp? [in Spanish]
María Celeste Wagner
Eugenia Mitchelstein
Pablo Boczkowski
May 10, 2020
Link to Infobae
When it comes to scientific information, WhatsApp users in Argentina are not fools.
María Celeste Wagner
Eugenia Mitchelstein
Pablo Boczkowski
May 7, 2020
Link to First Draft
How does the news really make us feel? This Penn expert looks at how it changes our habits.
Cassie Owens
Feb 13, 2020
Link to The Philadelphia Inquirer
For many Americans, talking about the news has become synonymous with talking about President Trump
Eric Dolan
Jan 13, 2020
Link to The PsyPost
Nothing new under the sun or why the internet (almost) didn’t change things? [in Spanish]
María Celeste Wagner
Dec 1, 2019
Print only
Political news and discourse in the US. Democrats & Republicans are both upset.
B. DePaulo
Nov 4, 2019
Link to PsychCentral
Democrat or Republican, Americans are angry, frustrated and overwhelmed
María Celeste Wagner
Pablo Boczkowski
Oct 30, 2019
Link to The Conversation