A Feminist Pedagogy of Patience: Communication Against Gender-Based Violence in the Argentina of the Ni Una Menos and the United States of #MeToo


Years after the emergence of Ni Una Menos in Argentina and #MeToo in the United States, how do feminist activists and advocates who fight gender-based violence on the ground evaluate, challenge and construct media representations of this issue? To respond to this, I draw from 52 interviews with feminist activists and advocates who work against GBV in both countries. This paper adopts a cross-country comparative approach not only of feminist practices but also their evaluations of mainstream media in two countries that have witnessed some of the most impactful anti-violence feminist movements in recent years. In relation to media evaluations, findings show cross-country similarities—e.g., the prevalence of sensationalist, episodic frames—and differences, such as regarding the role assigned to language as transformational tool and in class and race considerations. While there are shared communication strategies, the more professional characteristics of U.S. participants translates into more expert media practices and rigorous engagements with concepts of journalistic objectivity and truth. Grounded in less professionalized infrastructures, in Argentina they engage in more flexible and political media interventions. I conclude by analyzing how these evaluations and strategies impact communication for gender equity.

Work in Progress